Click on B4 to update your company name and then click on B5 to update the slogan. If you don’t have a slogan, you can just hit the delete button to remove the words. Then update B6 – B9 with your company address, phone and fax numbers. Click on E5 to update what the invoice is for. Then Click on E7-E11 to fill in the information for the customer. To put what the invoice is for, please click on B14 to type in the description of the service or product. In E14 you will put what they owe you for that item. You can add additional items by click on the cells underneath. The sheet will automatically calculate the total. If you click on the box where it says to “Make Checks Payable”, you can update any of that information. Please hit save as and change the filename to the Invoice number.
Download: Computer Invoice
great invoice